Check Out Your Sea Turtle Facts
1) How long can sleeping turtles hold their breath?
A) Forever
B) 4 to 7 hours
C) 4 to 7 minutes
D) They don’t need to hold their breath.
2) Which sea turtles turn into vegetarians as they become adults?
A) Hawksbill sea turtles
B) Leather back sea turtles C) Green sea turtles
D) Olive Ridley sea turtles
3) Which are the only Sea turtles that like to sunbathe?
A) Leather back sea turtles B) Olive Ridley sea turtles
C) Green sea turtle
D) Hawksbill sea turtles
4) Do Warm temperatures produce girl turtles or boy turtles?
A) Girls
B) Boys
5) What nasty enemy lurks in the waves waiting to attack Australian Flatback turtles?
A) Sharks
B) Freshwater alligators
C) Saltwater crocodiles
6) Loggerhead turtles have __________ A) Sand sifting mouths
B) Log crushing beaks
C) Shell crushing Jaws
D) Toothless gums
7) How can you tell if a turtle is “right fllippered or left flippered?”
A) Watch them write in the sand.
B) Ask them to give you a high five.
C) Watch them dig their nests.
D) They are ambidextrous (use both flippers equally)
8) Why did Kemp’s Ridley turtles become so endangered?
A) People thought they were monsters
B) people liked to eat their eggs
C) Poachers destroyed almost all their nests
D) B and C
9) Olive Ridley turtles nest in huge groups called?
A) Clans
B) Companies C) Arribadas D) Turtle towns
10) Hawksbill turtles meat is not good for people to eat because?
A) They eat fish poop
B) They eat electric eels
C) They eat poisonous sponges D) They eat sand
11) Which sea turtle’s shell do people Jewelry out of?
A) Green sea turtle B) Leather Back
C) Olive Ridley
D) Kemp’s Ridley
12) What’s the difference between a sea turtle and a freshwater turtle?
A) Sea turtles have flippers and can’t hide their heads.
B) Freshwater turtles have webbed feet and can pop their heads back into their shells.
C) Salt water turtles drink salt water and fresh water turtles drink fresh water
D) A and B
13) Leatherback turtles can be found as far north as?
A) California
B) Alaska
C) Hawaii
D) They don’t swim north, they only swim south.
14) Which turtles shell is nicknamed “Tortoise Shell?”
A) Australian Flatback
B) Leatherback
C) Hawksbill
D) Olive Ridley and Kemp’s Ridley
15) Turtle eggs are?
A) Slipper like see weed
B) Hard like chickens C) Brown like sand
D) Soft like leather